~ Electrolysis ~

What is It?

Electrolysis is the ONLY proven method of permanent hair removal to date. You may ask yourself:

“Well, what about laser hair removal? Isn’t that just as effective?” 

Well, electrolysis has been recognized by the FDA since 2007 as permanent hair removal. Laser, on the other hand, is still only recognized as permanent hair reduction. While yes, it is possible for laser to remove unwanted hair in some cases, the success rate is only anywhere from 65%-85%, which is why its recognized as hair reduction. Electrolysis has been scientifically proven to have a 100% success rate for permanent hair removal.

So in combining both electrolysis and laser treatments, we can achieve life changing results, but it is extremely important that we clarify the difference between the two.

Many have never heard of electrolysis, but it has been around for ages. It was originally developed in 1875 by Dr. Charles Michael, an Ophthalmologist from St. Louis Missouri. Many of his patient’s struggled with ingrown eyelashes and electrolysis was created by a means of treating those people.

After successful results were achieved, it became a more common practice, for cosmetic hair removal as time went on.

(ABOVE) Awesome picture that shows exactly what is happening inside the hair follicle during electrolysis treatment. Upon applying the current, the blood supply is cauterized, and the hair growth is inhibited.

frequently asked questions

A pre-packaged, sterile probe is inserted into each individual hair follicle, then the current is applied. The BEST time to treat unwanted hair is when it first emerges from the skin’s surface and is connected to the blood supply.

No, it should not be painful, but of course depending on the specific area(s) you are having treated, some tend to be more sensitive than others.

(Ex. the upper lip tends to be a little bit more sensitive than the leg area.)

Anywhere there is unwanted hair, excluding inside of the ears and nose.

  1. Hormones (Ex. PCOS, Menopause, etc.)
  2. Certain Medications
  3. Stress
  4. Genetics
  5. Pregnancy
  6. Puberty/ Aging
  7. Environmental Factors (Ex. Hair grows faster in the summer time.)
  8. Other means of hair removal (Ex. Waxing and tweezing cause hair to grow deeper, darker and coarser over time.)
  1. Anagen-In this stage, the hair is at its deepest and is connected to the blood supply. This stage is optimal for electrolysis hair removal.
  2. Catagen- In this stage, the hair begins to separate from the blood supply.
  3. Telogen- In this stage, the hair is completely separated from the blood supply.

The frequency and number of treatments depend on several factors that go hand-in-hand such as area(s) being treated, how fast your hair grows, underlying conditions, etc.

It’s important to understand that we CANNOT put a time stamp on when each individual’s electrolysis treatment will be complete, which is why following the schedule recommended by your practitioner is so important.

Everyone is different and consistency is key!

It’s important to note that we could remove all of your hairs in one area and a few days later, you could see more emerge. This is NOT the same hair(s) that was removed a few days prior, during treatment,

There are anywhere from 500-1,000 hairs per square inch of the body. Wow, that’s A LOT!

If electrolysis is performed correctly, the amount of regrowth should slow and return finer than before- as time and treatments progress forward, until the regrowth stops indefinitely.

  • It is VERY important to discontinue waxing/threading/tweezing entirely.
  • Trimming the hair is acceptable, but it is best to refrain from doing so if possible. (A good rule of thumb- ideal hair for electrolysis treatment is at least the length of a grain of rice.)
  • DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. This makes treatment more comfortable for both the patient and the practitioner.
  • Follow the treatment plan/schedule designed specifically for YOU.
  • Communication between the patient and practitioner is key!
  • Its important to note, everyone heals differently. Keeping that in mind, some may experience more redness, swelling, and/or tenderness than others.
  • When washing the face, cleanse the area gently with a mild cleanser.
  • Whiteheads or crusts may appear, DO NOT pick at them! This is the body’s natural way of healing. (Picking can cause scarring!)
  • Refrain from any face product, (this includes makeup, creams, etc.) for 24 hours if possible, however if it is necessary, be sure to wash your hands and apply the product with clean finger and/or a clean sponge.
  • Avoid any strenuous activities that can cause excess perspiration, (No swimming, no running, no saunas, no tanning beds, etc.) and limit sun exposure.
  • Be sure to wear sunscreen when outdoors! SPF 30 is sufficient.

No, Electric Esthetic Inc. does not accept insurance for electrolysis treatment or any other services. Electrolysis is considered to be a voluntary cosmetic service.

Appointments can be scheduled via the “contact me” page on our website, or simply call us at: (704) 981-0590.

Electric Esthetic Inc. requires a 24 hour notice prior to cancellation and/or rescheduling.  If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, the best and quickest way to reach us is to call or text our phone number: (704) 981-0590.